The ideal solution for relaying your content
Internal communication makes it possible to disseminate information and enhance the employer brand. Each individual belonging to an organization is a link in the chain of communication. Digital signage positioned in strategic places is a very effective tool and allows the brand to broadcast a lot of content on the life of the company, its offer, its businesses, its news.

Enhance the Employer Brand, access information at any time
In the Reception Hall > Disseminate Corporate information about the company and welcome your visitors, your customers, your partners.
In the Meeting Room > enhance operational information or content on product offers, services, team news.
In break rooms, common areas, lounges > Announce new arrivals, distribute information at a glance, the internal and external newsletter, communicate on the life of the company.
In regional entities or production units > Relay information from headquarters, safety rules, legal obligations, local news
Promote news in digital mode
The solution allows you to disseminate corporate and operational information, on security rules, legal obligations…and on the life of the company via multiple formats (PPT, WORD, Videos, Social Networks,…).
Make your personalized displays moments of celebration, announcement of events to animate, mobilize and promote your brand with employees, capture the attention of your community.